Good Old H2O

Good Old – H2O

A key component of any healthy weight-loss plan: Water! It’s so important that I recommend drinking a minimum of six 8-oz. glasses per/day. So, what is it about water and weight loss?

People who drink an average of six to eight cups of water each day consume 200 fewer calories. Experts aren’t sure if the water itself helps quench appetite, but what is clear is that water drinkers are healthier overall. They tend to have better eating habits and drink less soda. Not to mention, drinking water can be distracting–you may be less likely to reach for chips if you have a tall glass of H2O in hand. In fact, many nutrition experts, myself included, recommend drinking water when a craving first hits to delay–and potentially even prevent–an emotional eating binge. And it’s also a good idea to hydrate when you feel the urge to eat just to make sure you’re not confusing hunger for thirst.

Water isn’t only a weight-loss aid, though. It’s necessary for all physiological processes, including digestion and calorie burning. Also, if you’re consuming more fiber-rich foods, such as fruit, veggies and whole grains, drinking a lot of water can help prevent constipation. Another perk: Water can help make your workouts a little easier. When you exercise, your muscles actually hold on to water. If you’re not adequately hydrated, you’re preventing your muscles from operating at full capacity. You’re much more likely to feel fatigued when you’re thirsty, too. Finally, studies show that drinking water can help ward off certain cancers, such as bladder and kidney cancers. Drinking regularly helps dilute toxins and flushes them from your system, thus, reducing the amount of time they’re in your body.

Here’s another added bonus!! – Water helps reduce fat deposits. Drinking just 8-12 oz glasses of water a day cooled to 40 degrees Fahrenheit will burn as much as 200 calories, that’s the equivalent of jogging 3 miles! It does this by taking energy to heat the water up to your body temperature. Add a lemon to the mix to help keep your blood sugars in balance.