3 Natural Ways to Help Stabilize Blood Sugar

3 Natural Ways to Help Stabilize Blood Sugar

I am a big advocate on stabilizing ones blood sugar levels. It was the basis behind my diet back in my bodybuilding days. Why, because upon discovering how to, I also discovered the many benefits that were associated with it.

By tweaking my diet to control my blood sugar levels I notice it had a stimulating effect on my metabolism, it helped re-balance my water and electrolytes levels, it helped control my cravings for sugary foods and helped increase my energy level.

All of these benefits that I had discovered through years of trial and error along with my nutrition background and studies helped me to more firmly grasp the simplicity of what seem to be such a mystery for a big part of our society.

The benefits that go along with what is referenced above go so much deeper than that! It may be one of the single most important factors in controlling your weight, as well as the many other physical, emotional and psychological benefits.

So, let me give you a little 101 on Diabetes and Glucose Stabilization……

Glucose, a type of sugar, serves as the main energy source in our body. All the starches and sugars we eat are converted into glucose, which is used by our cells to carry out their proper functions. Managing our intake and paying close attention to our body’s response to this sugary fuel is key in maintaining optimal health. Keeping the blood sugar levels stabilized and on track will help prevent many chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Insulin a hormone produced by the pancreas regulates the uptake of glucose to ensure our cells are properly fueled. However, in the case of type 1 diabetes insulin is deficient or absent. This absence leads to abnormally high levels of glucose left over in the blood that our cells are unable to sponge up and use. Signs you may be living with type 1 diabetes; experiencing fatigue, weight loss, excessive hunger or thirst. For individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes insulin injections become an essential part of treatment.

On the other hand, the body may produce sufficient insulin, but the switch on the cells does not respond effectively, this is what is known as metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance; this type of faulty wiring is surprisingly common and affects over 25% of the American population. Substantial and growing evidence now suggests insulin resistance is an underlying biochemical imbalance in not only type 2 diabetes, but also hearth disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility and even colon and breast cancer. Those with insulin resistance may experience sugar cravings, night sweats, irritability, palpitations, dizziness, fatigue and weight gain. Leaving this roller coaster unstable will surely increases the risk of developing a variety of age related and obesity related diseases including type 2 diabetes.

Naturally Stabilizing Nature’s Design……….

Research now firmly reveals many phytonutrients will help improve insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Catechins found in green and black tea have been shown to be an insulin sensitizer, glucose absorption stabilizer, and pancreas protector.

Bioactive compounds in cinnamon have been helpful in regulating and stabilize blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Charantin and polypeptide-P found in bitter melon are traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat blood sugar problems. This compound has been confirmed in many studies to be responsible for improving high blood sugar levels.

Combining these products into your diet while eating an array of other nutritiously dense unprocessed foods is one of the surest ways to help keep you on track in preventing the many chronic diseases associated with high blood sugar levels.