Calorie Confusion

I often used what I refer to as the calorie Confusion technique back in my bodybuilding days. This technique can be rolled over to be used just as effectively for individuals who are trying to lose weight. Much like the Muscle Confusion technique perfected by one of the gurus in the fitness industry, Tony Horton (developer of P90X programs), calorie confusion works under the same basic principles.

The body is a very smart machine, thus finding the quickest and easiest way to adapt to circumstances and stresses put upon it. What this means is your body adapts to consistent routine. That is why Tony Horton’s developed strategies are so successful in creating change. He has put together a system that never allows your body to adapt, therefore continually forcing it to evolve.

Now, as I explained, this technique can be rolled over into Calorie Confusion. This continual fluctuation in calorie consumption will keep your endocrine system guessing. The endocrine system (simply put) is the system that controls and regulates various human functions including: metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, and mood. By using this technique you will keep your body from adapting to the same amount of calories being consumed day after day therefore keeping your furnace (metabolism) running very efficient.

How can you apply this method to your daily food consumption so you can achieve the best results?

Let’s assume that you normally eat around 2000 calories/day. You are going to want to fluctuate your calorie intake by 500 calories each way – meaning – 2000 calories will be your base. Next, and a big piece of this puzzle, is what part of your diet you will be adjusting. The answer to this is carbohydrates. You are always going to want to fluctuate your carbohydrate intake, leaving your protein and fat as consistent as possible. The last piece of the puzzle is rotation. You will want to rotate in 4 day increments: Low Cal, Low Cal, High Cal, and Medium Cal.

Day 1 – 1500 calories
Day 2 – 1500 calories
Day 3 – 2500 calories
Day 4 – 2000 calories

When your body gets used to a consistent amount of calories it becomes stagnant (this is when weight loss plateaus happen). By rotating your calories you are shocking your metabolism, thus making it work harder on a consistent basis.

Apply this technique to your existing weight loss program and kiss your weight loss plateaus goodbye!

Note: If you are already on an extremely low calorie diet you may have to adjust the amount of calories you are consuming and where your calories are coming from. Remember, as I have explained in one of my latest blog articles, a person should NEVER consume less than 1200 calories per day.